南浔,拥有700多年的历史,文化悠久,人才辈出,风景优美。现存有小莲庄、颖园和嘉业堂藏书楼等,明代百间楼风貌奇特,清代张石铭旧宅和张静江故居别有情致。南浔不单外美,而且内秀,富有深厚的文化底蕴,是旅游小憩的理想去处。 西塘,古称胥塘,又名平川,是江浙沪交界处著名的水乡古镇,也是美丽富饶的杭嘉湖平原北部一颗璀璨的明珠。“九里湾头放棹行,绿柳红杏带啼莺”,正呈现了西塘这个江南水乡的秀丽风光。 乌镇地处浙北,京杭大运河绕镇而行,港汊纵横。是一个颇具历史的古镇,1896年,中国现代文学史上的著名文学家沈雁冰就诞生在乌镇,其故居本身就是一幢很有特色的古民居。踏上了乌镇的青石板路,信步于幽深的街巷和古老的民居中,看那古老的小桥流水人家,如潮的四海游客,心中不由浮起别样的情怀。
with a history of over 700 years, nanxun is also a place full of numerous historical interests and enchanting natural landscapes. in addition, nanxun is known as the birthplace of many talented historical figures. it is widely believed that nanxun contains the largest group of ancient buildings of any of the southern water towns in china. the nanxun ancient town is not only beautiful outside, but also intelligent inside with profound cultural connotation.
xi tang, historically also xu tang or ping chuan, is a famous ancient scenic town in zhejiang province and a bright pearl lying on the north of the beautiful and enriched hangjia lake plain. wuzhen town, is a historic scenic town, in northern zhejiang province, china. in 1896, shen yanbin, chinese renowned writers were lived in the old town.