周庄,一个有九百多年历史的江南水乡古镇,以其悠久的传统、淳朴的民风、古老的建筑、清澈的河水和充满传奇色彩的人物,成为一片极富诱惑力的旅游胜地。甪直,一个令人印象深刻的名字,它位于苏州城东18公里,历来享有“桥都”的美称,漫步古镇,领略小镇风光,观赏古桥驳岸,看看渔船人家,真是别有风韵,情趣无穷。 同里镇隶属江苏省吴江市,位于太湖之滨,京杭大运河畔,是代表江南水乡风貌的千年古镇,它以“小桥、流水、人家”的水乡景观和人文荟萃、文物古迹遍地的特点而闻名于海内外。镇内街巷逶迤,河道纵潢,街缘水曲,路由桥通,家家临水,户户通舟,河岸错落有致,古桥若隐若现,绿柳迎风拂水,好一派动人的古镇风情。
zhouzhang, a 900-year-old waterside town in the southern china, is a most attractive tourism destination, with its old tradition, simple folk and customs, ancient architectures, clear river and more legendary figures. lies in the east 18 km away suzhou, jiangsu province, luzhi, has an impressive name and is known as the city of bridge from the ancient times. tongli, a town in wujiang county, is located on the eastern shore of tai lake and to the east of ancient canal with eight lakes surrounded the town proper is divided by the streams into 7 islets interlaced with the surrounding water area, forming typical water county of the south. it is a thousand-year water town with well-preserved historic and cultural legacy. tongli beckons travelers in any season and is always a tempting destination for those interested in exploring considerable historical and cultural heritage and pristine rural life style.