朱家角位于上海西郊淀山湖畔,青浦县中部,与江苏、浙江省接壤,环境幽静,是典型的江南鱼米之乡, 水木清华,风光旖旎,镇内河港纵横,沿河建筑鳞次栉比,建于明代的五孔石拱桥放生桥等36座石桥将九条古街连接,形成一派优美的水乡风光。 枫泾位于上海金山区和浙江嘉善交界处,地处江南水乡,水网纵横,迄今已有1500多年历史。枫泾,除保留了江南古镇原汁原味的恬淡与悠远,还以文化独树一帜,倘徉在曲曲折折的老街民宅中,品味一番小桥流水、老树枯井的宁静与沧桑后,还可以参观丁聪漫画陈列馆、陈十发祖居、金山农民画展示中心、围棋国手顾水如故居,这四位国内外有名的“三画一棋”,都集中于枫泾。 声誉雀起的七宝老街位于闵行区七宝镇,是上海都市圈内又一个令人瞩目的旅游景点。七宝古镇,始于北宋,盛于明清,自古以来一直都是商人聚集,人文荟萃之地。七宝老街经过整修,恢复明、清时期古色古香的特色,重现古貌,恢复原貌。北宋遗存的老街深巷,明清风格的亭台楼榭,江南特色的小桥流水,透过古镇的青砖白瓦,感受到的却是浓浓的海派韵味。
located on the banks of dianshan lake in the western suburbs of shanghai, zhujiajiao is an ancient water town well-known throughout the country. unique old bridges across bubbling streams, small rivers shaded by willow trees, and houses with courtyards attached all transport people who have been living amidst the bustle and hustle of the modern big city to a brand-new world full of antiquity, leisure and tranquillity.fengjing town has a history of civilization over 1500 years. fengjing is a place where chinese folk paintings originated and flourish, especially the "three paintings a chess" represents the characteristics of local culture which is the unique of china. located in the center of minhang district of shanghai, qibao ancient town can satisfy your curiosity about ancient water townships without the bother of either long distance or the rush of crowds. the town was built in northern song dynasty (960-1126) and grew into a prosperous business center during ming and qing dynasties.