宁波(位于浙江省),这座古老而又年轻的城市,以其悠久的历史、璀璨的文化、繁华的都市与流经六岸,方圆百里的三江之水构成了一幅迷人的旅游风情画卷。目前,宁波市比较成熟的风景旅游区有溪口风景名胜区、东钱湖风景区、天河生态风景区、招宝山风景区等十三多处,其中溪口风景名胜区和滕头生态旅游区为国家 4a 级旅游区;宁波以现代化、国际化港口城市为目标,大力构建旅游城市的崭新形象,三江六岸、天一广场等标志性工程成为城市旅游新的景观,使整个城市越来越富有浪漫时尚的色彩。“一半湖光,满城书香”这将会是你在造访这座千年古城时所产生的特别感觉……
ningbo is one china's oldest and vibrant cities, and has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous dynasties. currently, over 13 resorts have been developed so far, such as the xikou scenic area, dongqiaohu lake scenic area, zhaobaoshan mt. scenic area, etc., of which xikou and tengtou scenic area are listed into national 4a level scenic areas. these early civilizations lived and thrived in the area, and have contributed greatly to make ningbo what it is today; an economically-developed, modern city with a profound cultural foundation.