中国疆土辽阔,名山众多,雄、奇、灵、秀,风姿万千。《中国名山(一)》系列风光片主要展示并介绍了中国境内的六座名山,包括“天下第一奇山”——黄山、“匡庐奇秀甲天下”的庐山、“西岳”华山、“关东第一山”长白山、“东南第一山”——九华山及“天下第一仙山”——武当山。 名山素来是神话传说最多的地方,古往今来,从君王大臣到民间的凡夫俗子,都在这些名山中留下了不少美丽动人的传说,名山也因此而充满了灵性;历代名人留下的诗词题赋更是赋予了这些名山深厚的文化底蕴,留给我们无尽的遐想。
with a vast territory, china owns a large number of famous mountains which have marvelous sceneries. “famous mountains in china (ⅰ)” shows and introduces 6 famous mountains in china, including mt. huangshan, known as “the most fantastic mountain under heaven”; mt. lushan, which enjoys the honor of “the most beautiful scenery in the world”; mt. hua, the western mountain of china's “five sacred mountains”; changbai mountains, crowned as “the no.1 mountain in northeast china”; mt. jiuhua, reputed as “the no.1 mountain in the southeast of china”; and wudang mountains, “the no.1 fairy mountain under heaven”. from ancient times to the present, famous mountains have been home to various wonderful legends. either emperors or common people have left beautiful fairy tales in these famous mountains. the poems and prose written by excellent poets and writers add profound culture to these mountains, leaving endless imagination to us.