苍山之麓,洱海之滨的大理,历史悠久、山川秀丽,其自然风光绮丽迷人,民族风情多姿多彩。大理境内,苍山洱海互相辉映,珠联璧合;蝴蝶泉彩蝶飞舞,独具风韵;崇圣三塔经千年风雨,雄姿依然…… 这些独甲天下的自然风光,异常丰富的人文资源,吸引着无数游人。
taking mt.cangshan and erhai lake as the border, dali boasts a long history and elegant landscape. its natural scenery is charming and mt.cangshan and erhai lake are setting off well. hudiequan (butterfly spring) is significant, and three pagodas of chongsheng temple are still peerless with an age over 1,000 years. unique natural scenery and abundant cultural resources are attracting numerous tourists.