嵩山,位于登封市西北,雄居中原正中,居五岳之首,故称“中岳”。是儒、佛、道三教荟萃之地,拥有着无数的历史遗迹。少林寺是驰名中外的庙宇之一。有“天下第一名刹”之美誉。它位于嵩山腹地,自古就以禅宗和武宗并称于世。少林功夫,早在宋代就自成体系,风格独特,有“绝世武功”之称。 这里自古人文荟萃,历代帝王将相、文人学士、高僧名道、豪义侠士留下了不少名胜古迹,吸引着无数中外游客。
situated in the northwest of dengfeng and the middle part of the inland of china, middle-yue mt.songshan tops the five yue (the wonders of five mountains). it has rallied confucianism, budddhism and taoism and features countless historical sites.reputed as “the most famous temple”, shaolin temple is one of temples well known in domestic and abroad. located in the middle part of mt.songshan, it is famous from ancient for zen and wushu sect. shaolin kung fu has formed into a system early in song dynasty and boasts a unique manner which competes none”.from ancient, it is a place full of cultural atmosphere. the emperors, ministers, men of letters, scholars, accomplished monk, and knight-errant have left behind many historical sites attractive for travelers from home and broad.