井冈山,位于江西省西南部,地处湘赣两省交界的罗霄山脉中段。 山势雄伟,是一个典型的山区城市。风景秀丽、环境优雅的茨坪是井冈山市的政治、经济、文化和旅游接待中心。它位于井冈山风景区的中部,海拔820米。各式新型建筑,依山就势,高低错落,掩映在湖光山色、绿树花丛之中,四季林木葱郁,景色宜人。人文、自然景观十分丰富。诸多的革命历史遗迹,成为人们陶冶情操、振奋精神的生动课堂,是进行爱国主义以及革命传统教育的重要阵地。
located in the middle of mt. "luo xiao" in hu nan and jiang xi province and to the southeast of latter, mt.jing gang is a typical city built on a mountain.elegant and beautiful "ci ping" is the center of city in politics, economy, culture and tourism. it is located in the middle of mt.jing gang and has an altitude of 820 meters. various styles of architectures are scattered in this land surrounded by mountains, trees, lakes, and flowers. it boasts its verdant trees, pleasant weather, and rich historical and natural sites. furthermore, it's a good place for tourists to relax and cheer up, and it's also good for a cultivation of patriotism.architectures are scattered in this land surrounded by mountains, trees, lakes, and flowers. it boasts its verdant trees, pleasant weather, and rich historical and natural sites. furthermore, it's a good place for tourists to relax and cheer up, and it's also good for a cultivation of patriotism.