曲阜(位于山东省)地处鲁中山区和鲁西南平原的交界处,地势东高西低,境内泗河、沂河等河流均自东向西流淌,自古就有“圣人门前倒流水”之说。曲阜是中国古代伟大的思想家、政治家、教育家、儒家学派创始人孔子的故乡,东方文明的发祥地,是国务院首批公布的24个历史文化名城之一。 悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,给曲阜留下了大量的文物古迹,其中孔庙、孔府、孔林及鲁国故城遗址被列为全国首批公布的重点文物保护单位, 1994年被联合国列为世界文化遗产。近年来,曲阜又相继开发建设了孔子六艺城、论语碑苑、鲁国盛世、华夏文化城等一批新的旅游景点,新老景点浑然一体,相映生辉使曲阜成为中外游人向往的文化旅游胜地.
situated on the border of central mountainous areas and southeastern plain of shandong province, qufu is one of the first of 24 famous historical and cultural cities announced by the state council. qufu is also the hometown of confucius, the great politician, philosopher and educator in ancient china and the birthplace of chinese civilization. the long history and splendid culture left off the numerous historical relics in the city, in which confucius temple, confucius family mansion, their cemeteries and the site of lu sate were listed into national key-protected unit. in 1994, it was listed into the world cultural heritage by unesco.