一座依山傍海,毗邻港澳的美丽海滨城市。这里充满了阳光和现代气息,在短短的二三十年里,它逐渐从一个昔日的边陲小镇发展成为风景秀丽、投资环境优良、经济发达、有着中国特色的国际化大都市。 深圳成为经济特区后,新建的旅游景点独具魅力,有国际上享有盛名的微缩景区“世界之窗”、“锦绣中华”,主题公园“欢乐谷”,以及具有南中国海独特魅力的大、小梅沙度假区各类各色,异彩纷呈。
adjacent to hong kong and macau, shenzhen is a beautiful costal city which is leaning the mountain and the sea. within a short period, it has gradually become from a desolate town on the boundary into an international metropolis featuring excellent scenery, fine investment environment and developed finance. after the establishment of shenzhen special economic zone, its newly built tourism attractions boast a unique character, including “the window of the world”, “splendid china”, “happy valley” park as well as the big and small meisha beach etc.