中国历史文化名城乐山市位于四川省中部,古称“嘉州”,地处岷江、大渡河、青衣江三江交汇处,因处四川盆地,常有薄雾笼罩,气候温和,四季分明。有举世闻名的乐山大佛、秀色甲天下的峨眉山等著名景区,是闻名遐迩的风景旅游胜地。 乐山大佛是世界上最高的弥勒石刻大佛,是乐山最著名的景观,位于乐山市郊三江汇流处,景区以唐代摩崖造像“凌云大佛”为中心, 结合山水人文景观,有秦时李冰开凿的离堆,汉代的崖墓群,唐宋的佛像、宝塔、寺庙、明清建筑群等,是人文遗产丰富的特色景区,游览面积约8平方公里。
situated in the middle part of sichuan province, leshan, formerly known as “jiazhou”, sit at the confluence of the minjiang river, dadu river and qingyi river. due to its natural landscape and wealth of cultural relics, leshan is particularly well known as a city of national key tourist attractions, especially leshan giant buddha and mt. emeishan scenic area. the buddha is located to the east of leshan city, sichuan province, at the confluence of three rivers, namely, min river, qingyi river, and dadu river. known as the highest stone buddha statue in the world, it is carved into the cliffs of mt. lingyun.