北欧古城奥斯陆是挪威王国的首都。1050年,挪威最后一位海盗国王哈罗德?哈德拉德建立了奥斯陆,城市的名称一直被沿用到1624年。就在那一年,一场大火将整座城市化为灰烬。重建后,奥斯陆一度改名为“克里斯蒂安尼亚”。作为杰出的建筑师和城市规划者,丹麦—挪威联合王国的国王克里斯蒂安四世亲自设计了新城市的蓝图。奥斯陆意为“上帝的山谷”, 但在挪威语中,它指“林间空地”,这两种说法均与奥斯陆所处的地理位置有关。奥斯陆依偎在曲折迂回的奥斯陆湾的臂弯中,背后是巍峨耸立的霍尔门科伦山,使之既有海滨都市的旖旎风光,又富于依托高山密林所展示的雄浑气势。
oslo, the capital and largest city in norway, was founded around 1050 by king harald hardrade. the city was largely destroyed by a fire in 1624, and the city was rebuilt and renamed christiania or kristiania by christian iv of denmark and norway. oslo, literally means either "the meadow beneath the ridge" or "the meadow of the gods" in norwegian. oslo occupies an arc of land at the northernmost end of the oslofjord. the fjord, which is nearly bisected by the nesodden peninsula opposite oslo, lies to the south; in all other directions oslo is surrounded by green hills and mountains.