埃及文化灿烂、历史悠久,名胜古迹宏伟丰富,与中国、古印度、古巴比伦一并称为“四大文明古国”。 金字塔、狮身人面像、木乃伊是埃及的象征。除金字塔外,神庙建筑也是古埃及文明的重要组成部分,它们大多分布在卢克索和阿斯旺的尼罗河沿岸。自然与人工,历史与现实,宗教与生活,在这里得到了如此完美而和谐地统一。阿拉伯人统治下的埃及又充满着浓郁的伊斯兰文化色彩,汇集了数量相当可观的伊斯兰古迹,而其中最能彰显伊斯兰古典建筑美学底孕的就是清真寺,它们就像一部完整的编年史,展示了伊斯兰教的历史进程。
together with ancient china, babylon, and ancient india, ancient egypt is one of four civilizations. egypt enjoys the splendid culture and lots of majestic interests of place. the pyramids, sphinx, and mummies are the symbols of the country. in addition, the temple is also an important part of ancient egyptian civilization, most of which are located along the bank of niles. egypt is also home to a considerable number of islamic relics. but the mosque is the best example of islamic classical architecture, showing the historical development of the islam.