01.我爱你塞北的雪 i love snow of northern frontier
02.谁不说俺家乡好(电影《红日》插曲) everyone says our hometown is beautful(from 《red sun》)
03.送别(电影《城南旧事》主题曲) see of(from《old stories of chengnan》)
04.草原上升起不落的太阳(歌剧《白毛女》选曲) never-falling sun rising over the grassland (from《white-haired girl》)
05.彩云追月 colorful clouds chansing the moon
06.北风吹 north wind blows
07.采茶舞曲 dance of picking tea-leaves
08.酸枣刺 prick of chinese date
09.二月里来 february
10.放牛郎 cowboys
11.红星照我去战斗(电影《闪闪的红星》插曲) go fighting with red stars lighting(from《sparkling red-star》)
12.延水谣 5'11"ballad of yanshui
01.红太阳照边疆 red sun shine frontier
02.天上的太阳红彤彤 the sunshine over the sky
03.咱们的领袖毛泽东 our honourable chairman mao
04.战斗进行曲 fight march
05.延边人民热爱毛主席 people of frontier love chairman mao
06.八月桂花遍地开 blossomed osmanthus in august
07.到敌人后方去 to enemy's rear area
08.远航 sail alone
09.革命战士最光荣 the most glorious is soldier