黄山,一个与黄河,长江,长城齐名的山岳,是中华民族的又一象征。黄山自然景观天下奇绝,人文景观灿若星河,以奇松,怪石,云海,温泉四绝蜚声中外。以“无山不峰,无峰不石,无石不松,无松不奇”名扬天下。自古有“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。 黄山,千峰竞秀,布局错落有致,奇巧天成,气势磅礴:以三大主峰为中心向四周铺展,或跌落为深壑幽谷或隆起成峰峦峭壁,呈现出典型的峰林地貌。
huangshan, or the yellow mountain, together with the yellow river, the yangtze river and the great wall, is another symbol of the chinese nation. the yellow mountain is well-known all over the world for its four scenic spots-the legendary pine forest, oddly-shaped rocks, phantasmagoric sea of clouds and hot spring. it is one of famous mountains, especially for its marvelous and beautiful scenery and one of the most popular tourist resorts in china.