青城山背靠千里岷江,俯瞰成都平原,景区内气候温和,被林海点装的雄峰犹如一座青色的城,组成了青城山“幽“的基调,山上的宫、观、桥、亭、泉,或匿于绝岩之下;或隐于密林之中,呈现了无穷的幽意。前山以常观、上清宫为心,宫观相望,古迹甚多。后山深藏不露,极具神秘色彩, 那蜿蜒曲回的山路上,那折折绕绕的廊桥步道,感受到的是扑面而来的清新,这里的一切是那么的悠闲、惬意。
mt.qingchengshan is leaning minjiang river and is looking over chengdu plain. the weather is mild in the area. the precipitous peaks enclose a green and tranquil world. the palaces, taoist temples, bridges, pavilions and streams are scattered in the forest. taking changdao taoist temple and shangqing palace as the center, the anterior mountains are dotted with historic sites. however, the posterior are more mysterious. while wandering on the winding path, you will feel that everything is so fresh and pleasant.