古老而美丽的布达佩斯是匈牙利的首都,如梦似幻的多瑙河将城市一分为二,一边是由丘陵和山谷组成的布达,一边则是以平原为主的佩斯。原先这是一对隔河相望的姐妹城市,后来经过几个世纪的扩建和演变,两座城市逐渐接近,并于1873年正式合并,合称为“布达佩斯”。 布达的王宫、渔人堡,与对面佩斯的国会大厦遥相辉映,由此形成了布达佩斯最美丽的画面。从古罗马的遗迹,到文艺复兴的宏伟建筑,布达佩斯的壮大有着清晰的脉络。二十世纪初,布达佩斯正式奠定了中东欧经济文化中心的地位,直至今日她仍是这个地区的文化纽带与核心。这里是茜茜公主爱恋的土地,是翻卷风云的“金融天才”索罗斯的故乡,也烙印下了诗人裴多菲和音乐巨匠李斯特的足迹。
the old and beautiful budapest is the capital of hungary. at the crossroads of continental routes, budapest is located at the point of contact between the hungarian plain and the carpathian hills. a riverside city on the danube, buda was built on a rocky outcrop on the south bank, while pest was constructed at the level of the plain on the north bank. budapest became a single new city occupying both banks of the river danube with a unification in 1873 of right-bank buda and ?buda with left-bank pest. budapest boasts the historical site of rome empire and majestic architectures of renaissance period. at the outset of 20th century, budapest laid the solid foundation in economic culture of central and eastern part of europe. budapest is also the favorite place of princess sissi and hometown of george soros, genius of finance.