瑞士著名城市日内瓦是全世界交汇的中心,许多重要的国际组织及人道主义机构均设在这里。这里是国际红十字会的发源地,并且揭开了国际联盟的历史序幕。从此,日内瓦成为召开各种国际会议和举行谈判的重要场所,被称为秉承博爱主义传统的“和平之都”。同时,日内瓦还是一个集艺术、历史、文化、购物等于一体的充满魅力的旅游城市。日内瓦湖中的冲天大喷泉、将钟表工艺与花卉之美绝妙结合的花钟以及联合国欧洲总部 “万国宫”组成了日内瓦的三大标志性景观。在“最适宜居住城市”的调查中,日内瓦紧随苏黎世之后位列第二。
switzerland's famed neutrality has long enticed international organisations to locate their headquarters in geneva. geneva, the birthplace of international committee of the red cross, where the league of nations, predecessor of the united nations, was established in 1919. known as the peaceful city, it’s an important place for various international conference and negotiations. meanwhile, geneva is also a glamorous tourism city with art, history, culture and shopping, etc. three iconic attractions in the city cannot to be missed by each visitor.