01《茉莉花又开》 jasmine blooms again 02《江南》 southern china
03《石头桥》 stone bridge 04《阳光》 sunshine
05《苏北情歌》 love song from northern jiangshu province 06《水乡月》 the life in the watertown
07《云在飘》 floating clouds 08《蝶飞舞》 flying butterflies
09《梦江南》 a dream on the southern china 10《小河淌水》 little running river
11《姑苏情》 love for gusu
01《茉莉花开》blossoming jasmine 02《吴越霓裳》song of beautiful dress
03《上海小调》shanghai melodies 04《溪水流》 running greek
05《水荡漾》 rippling water 06《月亮》 the moon
07《晨》 early morning 08《春水流》 spring water flowing
09《湖》 the lake 10《海》 the sea
11《茉莉花》 jasmine